# 外观模式-PHP

# 电脑开关机





class Computer {
    public function getElectricShock() {
        echo "Ouch!";

    public function makeSound() {
        echo "Beep beep!";

    public function showLoadingScreen() {
        echo "Loading..";

    public function bam() {
        echo "Ready to be used!";

    public function closeEverything() {
        echo "Bup bup bup buzzzz!";

    public function sooth() {
        echo "Zzzzz";

    public function pullCurrent() {
        echo "Haaah!";

class ComputerFacade {
    protected $computer;
    public function __construct(Computer $computer) {
        $this->computer = $computer;

    // 开机
    public function turnOn() {

    // 关机
    public function turnOff() {

// client
$computer = new ComputerFacade(new Computer());
$computer->turnOn(); // Ouch! Beep beep! Loading.. Ready to be used!
$computer->turnOff(); // Bup bup buzzz! Haah! Zzzzz

# 标准例子



// 子系统1
class SubSystemOne {
    public function methodOne() {
        echo "子系统方法1\n";

// 子系统2
class SubSystemTwo {
    public function methodTwo() {
        echo "子系统方法2\n";

// 子系统3
class SubSystemThree {
    public function methodThree() {
        echo "子系统方法3\n";

// 子系统4
class SubSystemFourth {
    public function methodFourth() {
        echo "子系统方法4\n";

// 外观方法
class Facade {
    private $systemOne;
    private $systemTwo;
    private $systemThree;
    private $systemFour;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->systemOne = new SubSystemOne();
        $this->systemTwo = new SubSystemTwo();
        $this->systemThree = new SubSystemThree();
        $this->systemFour = new SubSystemFourth();

    public function methodA() {
        echo "方法A() ---\n";

    public function methodB() {
        echo "方法B() ---\n";

// client
$facade = new Facade();
// output: 
// 方法A() ---
// 子系统方法1
// 子系统方法3
// 方法B() ---
// 子系统方法2
// 子系统方法4
最近更新时间: 2023/3/21 19:40:56