# 常用的SQL语句


# 检索数据

-- 检索单列
select name from student;

-- 检索多列
select name, age, class from student;

-- 检索所有列
select * from student;

-- 对某列去重
select distinct class from student;

-- 检索列-选择区间
-- offset 基数为0,所以'offset 1'代表从第二行开始
select * from student limit 1, 10;
select * from student limit 10 offset 1;	

# 排序


-- 根据学号降序排列
select * from student order by number desc;

-- 添加索引(score, name)可以提高排序性能
-- 但是索引(name, score)对性能毫无帮助,此为最左匹配,可以根据B+Tree进行理解
select * from student order by score desc, name;

# 数据过滤


-- 找到学号为1的学生
select * from student where number = 1;

-- 找到学号为在[1, 10]的学生(闭区间)
select * from student where number between 1 and 10;

-- 找到未设置电子邮箱的学生
-- 注意不能使用 =
select * from student where email is null;

-- 找到一班中大于23岁的学生
select * from student where class_id = 1 and age > 23;

-- 找到一班或大于23岁的学生
select * from student where class_id = 1 or age > 23;

-- 找到一班与二班的学生
select * from student where class_id in (1, 2);

-- 找到不是一班二班的学生
select * from student where class_id not in (1, 2);

# 计算字段

select concat(name, '(', age, ')') as nameWithAge from student;

select concat('hello', 'world') as helloWorld;
  • Math
select age - 18 as relativeAge from student;

select 3 * 4 as n;


# 数据聚合(aggregation)


-- 统计1班人数
select count(*) from student where class_id = 1;

# 数据分组

使用group by进行数据分组,可以使用聚合函数对分组数据进行汇总,使用having对分组数据进行筛选。

-- 按照班级进行分组并统计各班人数
select class_id, count(*) from student group by class_id;

-- 列出大于三个学生的班级
select class_id, count(*) as cnt from student group by class_id having cnt > 3;

# 子查询

-- 列出软件工程班级中的学生
select * from student where class_id in (
  select id from class where name = '软件工程'

# 联接


-- 列出软件工程班级中的学生
select * from student, class 
where student.class_id = class.id and class.name = '软件工程';
  • 内联接


    -- 列出软件工程班级中的学生
    select * from student
    inner join class on student.class_id = class.id
    where class.name = '软件工程';
  • 自联接


    -- 列出与张三同一班级的学生
    select * from student s1
    inner join student s2 on s1.class_id = s2.class_id
    where s1.name = '张三';
  • 外联接

    外联接分为left joinright joinleft join指左侧永不会为null,right join指右侧永不会为null。

    -- 列出每个学生的班级,若没有班级则为null
    select name, class.name from student
    left join class on student.class_id = class.id;

# 插入数据

使用insert into向表中插入数据,也可以插入多行。


-- 插入一条数据
insert into student values(8, '陆小凤', 24, 1, 3);

insert into student(name, age, sex, class_id) values(9, '花无缺', 25, 1, 3);

# 修改数据


  • 更新

    -- 修改张三的班级
    update student set class_id = 2 where name = '张三';
  • 删除

    -- 删除张三的数据
    delete from student where name = '张三';
    -- 删除表中所有数据
    delete from student;
    -- 更快的删除表中的所有数据
    truncate table student;

# 创建表与更新表

-- 创建学生表,注意添加必要的注释
create table student (
  id int(11) not null auto_increment comment '学生id',
  name varchar(50) not null comment '学生姓名',
  age tinyint unsigned default 20 comment '学生年龄',
  sex enum('male', 'famale') comment '性别',
  score tinyint comment '入学成绩',
  class_id int(11) comment '性别',
  createTime timestamp default current_timestamp comment '创建时间',
  primary key (id),
  foreignkey (class_id) references class (id)
) comment '学生表';

-- 根据旧表创建新表
create table student_copy as slect * from student;

-- 删除 age 列
alter table student drop column age;

-- 添加 age 列
alter table student add column age smallint;

-- 删除学生表
drop table student;

# 视图


create view v_student_with_classname as
select student.name name, class.name class_name
from student left join class
where student.class_id = class.id;

select * from v_student_with_classname;

# 约束及索引

  • pirmary key


    alter table student add constraint primary key (id);
  • foreign key


    alter table student add constraint foreign key (class_id) references class (id);
    • 插入张三丰5班到student表中会失败,因为5班在class表中不存在。
    • class表删除3班会失败,因为陆小凤和楚留香还在3班。
  • unique key


    alter table student add constraint unique key (name);
  • check



    alter table student add constraint check (age > 0);
  • index


    create index index_on_student_name on student (name);
    alter table student add constraint key (name);
最近更新时间: 2020/5/26 19:03:58